Ice and ice storage houses: a very long story.

Glacières et glaces : une très longue histoire.

Author(s) : VARANFRAIN C.

Type of monograph: Other


Cold is related to winter, so since ancient times man has had to imagine solutions making it possible to keep ice until the warm season: ice storage houses. Over 1000 ice storage houses have been recorded in France. There are over 1300 illustrations in this book which deals with the following topics : some elements of history; the uses of ice; production (glaciers; natural cavities; lakes and ponds); ice storage houses; the use of ice storage houses; ice trade; objects related to ice; the end of natural ice; the beginnings of mechanical ice production; the end of industrial ice.


  • Original title: Glacières et glaces : une très longue histoire.
  • Record ID : 2009-1403
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: Claude Varanfrain - France/France
  • Publication date: 2009/03
  • Source: Source: 73 p. (21 x 29); fig.; phot.; ref.; 4 append.; EUR 16.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.