Projekt A1. Konvertering. Delrapport 1./ Project A1. Retrofitting. Delrapport 1.

Author(s) : LUNDQVIST P., HERBE L.

Type of monograph: Report


The project "Retrofit" is part of the research program "Replacement of non-environmentally-safe refrigerants in heat pumps and refrigerators". It deals with the outcome of several retrofits (from R12 and R500, from R502, and from R22) performed during the last years with respect to performance, chemical stability and lifetime. An executive summary and 2 papers are published in the English language: CFC and HCFC refrigerants retrofit, experiences and results; experiences from CFC12 to HFC134a retrofit, a Swedish perspective.


  • Original title: Projekt A1. Konvertering. Delrapport 1./ Project A1. Retrofitting. Delrapport 1.
  • Record ID : 1996-0611
  • Languages: Swedish
  • Publication: Alternativa köldmedier - Sweden/Sweden
  • Publication date: 1995
  • Source: Source: n. 4; 50 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.