Retail store fixture design and installation guidelines.

Author(s) : ARI, CRMD

Type of monograph: Guide/Handbook, Booklet


This document has been developed as a voluntary guideline for design of retail food stores and for the installation of commercial refrigeration equipment. It was proposed by store designers and service professionals whose companies are members of the Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturers Division (CRMD) of ARI and whose members manufacture a substantial majority of the refrigeration equipment used in North America. Extract from the table of contents: retail food store layout and equipment selection; environmental design and control; energy conservation methods; planning, engineering and construction. This guideline can be downloaded from the ARI Web site:


  • Original title: Retail store fixture design and installation guidelines.
  • Record ID : 2001-3015
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Publication: ARI (Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2001/02/06
  • Source: Source: CRMD Guidel.; 33 p. (22.7 x 28); ref.; append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.