IIR document

Study on direct-contact evaporative ice producing process of water as a refrigerant.



Water as a refrigerant is an excellent natural working fluid. Various types of refrigeration cycle for ice production using water as a refrigerant, for example direct-contact heat exchange cycle, closed cycle, open cycle and multi-stage compression cycle, were evaluated using the cycle analysis method from the viewpoint of factors such as COP and the discharge temperature of the compressor and the refrigerating capacity per volume flow rate of water refrigerant. A number of experiments were conducting using various scenarios, for example neither stirring nor circulating water (liquid phase) in the ice production tank, stirring water using a magnetic agitator, circulating water by pump, and maintaining or not maintaining triple point pressure during ice production. The characteristics and development problems of some types of ice producing evaporators were also studied.

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Pages: 2004-2


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  • Original title: Study on direct-contact evaporative ice producing process of water as a refrigerant.
  • Record ID : 2005-2716
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Natural Working Fluids 2004: 6th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference
  • Publication date: 2004/08/01


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