IIR document

Using natural refrigerants in the cold chain.

Author(s) : PACHAI A. C., JONES M. A.


The increased use of natural refrigerants in the refrigeration business and the possibility to compare different solutions globally requires quite an effort. In this paper is presented a way to calculate refrigeration systems using the natural refrigerants NH3, CO2 and some HC's (R290 and R1270). The natural refrigerants have an advantage by not contributing to the global warming. This impact is also calculated in the software and contributes to a fuller picture of what the customer gets when investing in a system that is based on natural refrigerant. In the paper is also shown that when selecting different solutions. One stage CO2 systems have some limitations where two stage systems can be used more widely. Cascade systems also have a place in the market using either NH3 or R290 on the high stage. Life cycle cost is also an important element of the investment in a refrigeration system. This is included in the software package as well. Pack Calculation II/1 as it is called is freeware and can be used by anybody.

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Pages: 2010-1


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  • Original title: Using natural refrigerants in the cold chain.
  • Record ID : 2010-0377
  • Languages: English
  • Source: 1st IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain
  • Publication date: 2010/03/29


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