Fresh produce packaging.
L'emballage des produits frais.
Type of monograph: Other
This supplement of the journal "Process" focuses on fresh produce packaging and is divided into 4 sections, each corresponding to a category of fresh produce: Premium fresh fruit juice (trend: need for innovations and differentiation; cardboard packaging systems: outbreak of new shapes); dairy desserts (presentation; thermoforming or preformed pots); vacuum-packed cheese (the future of packaged fresh produce; new-generation "flow pack"); beef in individually-packed units: packaging trays prepared in industrial plants (marketing issues at the butcher's; individually-packed units: three options for the future).
- Original title: L'emballage des produits frais.
- Record ID : 2004-0450
- Languages: French
- Publication: Editions du Boisbaudry - France/France
- Publication date: 2003/05
- Collection:
- ISSN: 09986650
- Source: Source: suppl. n. 1193; 50 p. (21 x 28.4); fig.; phot.; tabl.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Food quality and safety. Microbiology;
Chilling of foodstuffs;
Containers and packaging;
Meat and meat products;
Milk and dairy products;
Ice creams;
Beverages - Keywords: Chilled food; Milk; Manufacturer; Meat; Dessert; Profitability; Beef; Quality; Dairy product; Fresh produce; Hygiene; Packaging; Fruit juice; Cheese; Marketing
Elaboración y aplicación del programa higiénico...
- Author(s) : PAZ T., TOIRAC A., PÉREZ J. I., et al.
- Date : 2001/06
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Acta Alimentaria - vol. 38 - n. 323
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Food ingredients and the Asian frozen dessert m...
- Author(s) : SWAN C. J., THARP B. W., FORREST B. A., et al.
- Date : 1999/05/23
- Languages : English
- Source: 3rd International symposium on recombined milk & milk products.
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Factors affecting quality and safety of freshly...
- Date : 1998/01
- Languages : English
- Source: Dairy Food environ. Sanit. - vol. 18 - n. 1
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Elaboración de flanes de huevo mediante alta pr...
- Author(s) : PONCE E., SENDRA E., BELTRÁN E., et al.
- Date : 2002
- Languages : Spanish
- Source: Acta Alimentaria - vol. 39 - n. 335
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Les jus de fruits frais et réfrigérés : une gam...
- Author(s) : JACQUARD P.
- Date : 1998/12
- Languages : French
- Source: Détail Fruits Légumes - n. 156
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