Global comparative analysis of HFCs and alternative technologies for refrigeration, air conditioning, foam, solvent, aerosol propellant, and fire protection applications. Final report.
Author(s) : DIECKMANN J., MAGID H.
Type of monograph: Report
This report, prepared for Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy, provides an objective analysis of the key aspects of HFCs in comparison with alternative fluids and technologies in the major applications involving HFCs. It is intended to provide input to the Secretariat of the Climate Change Convention in connection with the issue of coordinating the HFC policy objectives of the Montreal Protocol and the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Extract from the table of contents: general policy considerations; estimated savings provided to society by HFCs; domestic refrigeration; mobile air conditioning; unitary air conditioning; chillers; commercial refrigeration; foam insulation; solvents: aerosols; fire protection.
- Original title: Global comparative analysis of HFCs and alternative technologies for refrigeration, air conditioning, foam, solvent, aerosol propellant, and fire protection applications. Final report.
- Record ID : 2001-1653
- Languages: English
- Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Environment, HFCs alternatives
- Publication: Arthur d. little - United states/United states
- Publication date: 1999/08/23
- Source: Source: 125 p. (21.5 x 28); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Heat pumps, energy recovery: general information;
Other air-conditioning equipment;
Mobile air conditioning;
Domestic applications (refrigerators, freezers);
Heat pumps, energy recovery: regulations and standards;
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: regulations and standards;
Heat pumps, energy recovery: economics and statistics;
Industrial, commercial and domestic refrigeration: economics and statistics;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: regulations and standards;
Refrigerants, secondary refrigerants: economics and statistics;
Refrigerating equipment: regulations and standards;
Refrigerating equipment: economics and statistics - Keywords: Solvent; Regulations; Refrigeration; Household application; Fire; Economy; Car; Aerosol; Statistics; Heat pump; Foam; World; HFC; Environment; Insulation; Greenhouse effect; Refrigerant; Air conditioning
Global comparative analysis of HFC and alternat...
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