Guide to good hygiene practice: quick-frozen product distribution.
Guide de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques : distribution des produits surgelés.
Author(s) : J. off. Répub. fr.
Type of monograph: Book, Guide/Handbook
This guide, compiled by SYNDIGEL (the European federation of controlled-temperature-product trade and distribution), suggests methods of controlling hygiene in quick-frozen food distribution, in compliance with the principles of Directive 93/43 on the hygiene of foodstuffs.It deals with cold-chain control during the distribution of frozen and quick-frozen products. It outlines control principles that can be applied to all operating conditions and underlines the need to combine adequate procedures and refrigerated storage methods. In order to implement good practices under all circumstances, product heating factors are described in the appendix and a hundred examples of prevention measures are presented.
- Original title: Guide de bonnes pratiques hygiéniques : distribution des produits surgelés.
- Record ID : 2002-3275
- Languages: French
- Subject: Regulation
- Publication: Les editions des journaux officiels - France/France
- Publication date: 2002
- Collection:
- ISSN: 07674538
- ISBN: 2110751754
- Source: Source: n. 5923; 168 p. (14.5 x 21); fig.; tabl.; append.; EUR 7.90.
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Food quality and safety. Microbiology;
Cold chain, interfaces;
Freezing of foodstuffs;
Refrigeration and perishable products: regulations and standards - Keywords: Thermometer; Standardization; Reheating; Regulations; France; Contamination; Cold chain; Microbiology; Maintenance; Transport; Temperature; Recommendation; Quality; Quick-frozen food; Frozen food; Hygiene; HACCP; Guide; Cleaning; Europe; Cold storage; Control (generic); Distribution
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