The 1994 International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference. Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. Proceedings.

Date: 1900.01.01


The book contains the papers presented during this conference, held in Washington, USA, October 24-26, 1994. Extract of contents: household appliances: hydrocarbon refrigerants; commercial/industrial air conditioning and refrigeration (alternatives to R22 and R502; thermophysical properties of alternative refrigerants; lubricant issues; advances in alternative refrigerants; material compatibility issues; advances in compressor technology; alternative cycles; transitions; not-in-kind alternatives); refrigerant recovery, recycling and reclamation (technician training and certification; refrigerant management and technical issues); halons (fire protection strategies for specialized sectors; military testing and implementation of alternative fire protection; military research and development; basic engineering; risk management strategies; chemical replacements; alternatives and second-generation agents; regulations and standards; recycling, reclaiming, redistribution and disposition of Halon-1301 and Halon-1211); medical aerosols and sterilization; solvents; foams; methyl bromide; mobile air conditioning. Some of these papers will be abstracted in a future issue of the Bulletin.


  • Original title: The 1994 International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference. Stratospheric Ozone Protection for the 90's. Proceedings.
  • Organiser : Alliance responsib. atmos. Policy
  • Record ID : 1995-0631
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 32
  • Publication: International cfc and halon alternatives conference - United states/United states
  • Source: Source: 901 p. (21.5 x 28); fig.; phot.; tabl.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    Proc. 1994 int. CFC Halon Altern. Conf., Washington

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (32)