Third PECC Annual Food and Agriculture Forum "Growing the Pacific rim food system: refrigeration and distribution". Proceedings and communiqué.

Date: 1900.01.01


This forum was held in Hong Kong, October 29-31, 1996. Topics: challenges in increasing agricultural production; Pacific rim consumer market dynamics; the Japanese frozen food system; building consumer demand; meeting consumer demand; standards, rules and inspections; official financing; commercial financing of food system trade and investment; cold chain maintenance; modern technology used in traditional Asian style distribution systems.


  • Original title: Third PECC Annual Food and Agriculture Forum "Growing the Pacific rim food system: refrigeration and distribution". Proceedings and communiqué.
  • Organiser : PECC
  • Record ID : 1997-3144
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 0
  • Publication: PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Council) - United states/United states
  • Source: Source: 86 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    PECC, Proc. annu. Food Agric. Forum, Hong Kong

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.