Winery utilities: planning, design and operation.

Author(s) : STORM D. R.

Type of monograph: Book


From pipe insulation to water conservation and refrigeration and air conditioning, this book integrates the basic planning, design, and operation functions of the many support systems that make a winery operate successfully. Extract from the table of contents: electrical systems; telecommunications; sanitation, steam, and hot water; refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning (basic principles; refrigerants; fermentation heat balance and tank thermal stratification; ventilation and night-air cooling; insulation and solar energy considerations; operation and maintenance); potable water supply systems; irrigation water supply systems and reclaimed wastewater; wastewater systems; liquefied petroleum gas systems; fire protection systems; solid waste systems; winery utilities and health and safety programmes (refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning).


  • Original title: Winery utilities: planning, design and operation.
  • Record ID : 2005-1565
  • Languages: English
  • Publication: Chapman & Hall - United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2001
  • ISBN: 0834219816
  • Source: Source: 438 p. (16 x 23.5); fig.; tabl.; ref.; append.; index; USD 126 (+ shipping).
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.