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IIR document
An improved approach to model compressors, condenser/gas cooler and their control system in refrigeration systems with R404A and R744 based on physical principles.
Recommended by the IIR
How to build a new eco-friendly supermarket.
Eco friendly operation and maintenance of supermarkets.
Recommended by the IIR / IIR document
Thematic file: Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets.
Integrated CO2 solutions for supermarkets.
Eco-friendly supermarkets - an overview.
Data-driven modeling of the refrigeration load in supermarkets — A case study on three European supermarkets.
Supermarket energy use in the UK
Multi-objective optimization of refrigerant blends for supermarket systems.
Eco-efficiency comparison of supermarket architectures.
Performance indicators for energy efficient supermarket buildings.
Seasonal performance of supermarket refrigeration systems.
Transcritical CO2 supermarket refrigeration.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
105 results
Refrigerant leaks in supermarkets
Reminder of some figures on refrigerant leaks in supermarkets. Focus on the situation in the United States.
Supermarket refrigerant retrofitting.
A few figures about supermarkets retrofitting their refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants.
Energy trends in German supermarkets.
According to a recent survey, the average energy used to provide cooling to chilled and frozen displays represents 40% of the total energy demand of German supermarkets.
Reduce refrigerant leaks in supermarkets
Refrigerant leaks are a recurring problem, particularly in the commercial refrigeration sector. An American initiative aims to identify the main causes of leaks and to propose solutions to reduce...
CO2 supermarkets worldwide
In its latest Accelerate Europe magazine, Shecco has disseminated figures illustrating the growth of CO2 in the commercial refrigeration sector.
Faults and energy consumption of CO2 refrigeration systems in supermarkets
Food products refrigeration accounts for the largest share of energy consumption in supermarkets. In a recent study, the most common faults in supermarket CO2 refrigeration systems were investigated,...
United Kingdom: evaporative cooling for Tesco superstores
Thanks to evaporative cooling, Tesco expects to lower the energy consumtpion in its supermarkets and to reduce significantly its maintenance costs.
Replacement of R404A in supermarkets
R404A is particularly targeted by the EU F-gas Regulation and many refrigerant producers announced important price rises. Various option can be considered to replace it.
Supermarkets: retrofit of refrigerating systems from R404A to R449A
Two examples of retrofitting supermarket refrigerating systems from R404A to R449A.
UK supermarkets promise 80% gas emission cut
The UK’s leading supermarkets have pledged to reduce emissions from refrigeration gases by 80% by 2020.
Doors on supermarket refrigerators inhibit shoppers
A shopping research company from the UK studied the impact that doors on supermarket refrigerators have on consumers' behaviour.
Germany: a new heat pump system using propane for supermarkets
The discount retailer Aldi and the refrigeration company Viessmann recently presented a joint energy program consisting in a sustainable energy system employing propane heat pumps.
Utility offers NYC grocery stores incentives to use energy storage for refrigeration.
To better manage the energy demand on the grid during peak times of day, a handful of grocery stores produced ice over night.
UK supermarkets commit to 80% refrigerant emission cut
At the beginning of 2014, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) set new targets on reducing emissions from refrigerant leakage by 80% - expressed in tones of CO2 equivalent - by 2020, relative to floor space.
Spain: a EUR 1.5 million plan to help supermarkets comply with the European regulation on fluorinated gas
The Spanish government has approved a plan for €1.5m in aid for the conversion or replacement of supermarket refrigeration systems to alternative low GWP refrigerants.
IIR news
31 results
New IIR Informatory Note: Advancements in Supermarket Refrigeration
Download your copy of the latest IIR Informatory Note on “Advancements in Supermarket Refrigeration”
Workshop on Supermarkets during the 5th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain
The workshop had the aim of presenting recent findings by the UK EUED joint project on supermarkets, the SuperSmart project and the HPT Annex44 project.
Available - New IIR publication: Technological options for retail refrigeration
Written by several experts from the acclaimed London South Bank University (UK), the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is proud to present the “Technological options for retail refrigeration”.
IIR partner in INDEE+
The IIR takes part of the project INDEE+ which aims to support the Indian refrigeration and Air Conditioning sector in the transition towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly...
Member news: a training center for commercial refrigeration promoted by Carrier
Carrier is participating in the creation of a regional training centre for transcritical CO2 supermarkets in Kenya.
An article from the IJR on the state of the art of CO2
An article published by NTNU and SINTEF in the International Journal of Refrigeration summarises several researches on current and future "CO2 only" solutions for supermarket applications.
The IIR worldwide
Focus on the latest IIR interventions around the world.
EU project SuperSmart comes to a close: What have we learnt?
Funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, the EU SuperSmart project was launched in February 2016 and recently came to an end. Want to know how to reduce energy consumption in the food retail sector?… SuperSmart...
New European projects for the IIR
In line with its international activities, the IIR is going to take part in two European projects which have just been validated by the European Commission.
The IIR supports innovative European research projects on refrigeration
In line with its international activities, the IIR is currently involved in two European research projects both focused on very distinct areas of refrigeration technologies.
Now available: ICCC 2018 conference papers and proceedings
Couldn't attend the 5th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain (ICCC 2018) in Beijing, China, last month? Download the conference proceedings and papers.
Member news: Latest news from Danfoss
Danfoss is improving its range of electric expansion valves and has started construction of an energy-efficient supermarket.
Latest news from B-Medical Systems, Epta and GEA, three IIR corporate members
B Medical Systems, a global leader in the vaccine cold chain, is expanding its production capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Epta monitors R290 fridges in cashier-free store in Dubai and GEA provides a...
IIR member news: Cooltech
The €1.7m MagFreeG project has just been granted to the French company Cooltech Applications by the European Union through CIP Eco-innovation program.
IIR member news: Excess heat is the largest untapped energy source
In a whitepaper, IIR Benefactor member Danfoss highlights the vast untapped potential of excess heat as a source of energy.