11th European Cold Chain Education Program. Presentations [CD-ROM].

Date: 2008.02.25 / 2008.02.26

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands


This CD-ROM contains 25 PowerPoint presentations presented at this IIR co-sponsored conference, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The overarching theme of the conference was "Back to basics: safe, efficient and profitable cold storage and distribution". The presentations cover: trends in transportation; sale and lease back constructions; key performance indicators in distribution; EU legislation from Brussels; practical cases; latest developments in lift trucks; preventing insurance claims; labour issues and solutions; worker safety; food retail and manufacturing; use of wind energy.


  • Original title: 11th European Cold Chain Education Program. Presentations [CD-ROM].
  • Organiser : IARW, WFLO
  • Record ID : 2008-1415
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 3
  • Publication: Iarw (international association of refrigerated warehouses) - Netherlands/Netherlands
  • Series number: 11
  • Conference type: Other conference (non-IIR)
  • Notes:

    IARW-WFLO, 11th Eur. Cold Chain Educ. Program, Amsterdam

  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


See articles (3)
See conference