Barriers to the use of low-GWP refrigerants in developing countries and opportunities to overcome these.

Author(s) : COLBOURNE D.

Type of monograph: Report


This publication was produced by the UNEP DTIE OzonAction Programme with the financial assistance of the European Union in the framework of the "JumpStart" project to encourage developing countries to expedite their compliance with the HCFC phase-out obligations and adopt environmentally friendly alternatives to HCFCs.
The general approach for the study was through asking stakeholders within a variety of Article 5 countries about the types, causes and ways of overcoming the barriers to using low-GWP alternatives, such as hydrocarbons, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and new unsaturated HFCs. While these can be used across a wide range of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, they are not generally taken up as alternatives.
Over 100 individuals provided information from some 40 different countries, in response to a questionnaire and discussions during workshops and meetings.

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Pages: 115




  • Original title: Barriers to the use of low-GWP refrigerants in developing countries and opportunities to overcome these.
  • Record ID : 30002364
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Regulation, Developing country, Environment, HFCs alternatives
  • Publication: Unep (united nations environment programme), dtie (division of technology, industry and economics), ozonaction programme - France/France
  • Publication date: 2010
  • ISBN: 9789280731248