IIR document

New Developments in Refrigeration for Food Safety and Quality.

Date: 1996.10.02 / 1996.10.04

Location: Lexington, United States


New developments in measuring technologies, thermophysical processes (including glass transition, respiration and transpiration), predictive microbiology modelling, etc., are making it possible to better protect frozen and chilled food. Examples are given for produce, such as broccoli, fresh cut melon, green beans, apricots, etc. Special attention is paid to transport and display cabinets, cryogenic tunnels and drum freezers. Sessions were held on international shipment and inspection issues, and on the use of HACCP methods and the direction in which US regulations should evolve. Papers: 37 (in english)

Available documents

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Format Hard copy

Pages: 318


  • Public price

    30 €

  • Member price*

    22,50 €

* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).


  • Original title: New Developments in Refrigeration for Food Safety and Quality.
  • Organiser : IIF-IIR
  • Record ID : 1997-0618
  • Languages: English
  • Number of articles: 32
  • Publication: Iif-iir - France/France
  • Collection:
  • ISSN: 01511637
  • ISBN: 2903633886
  • Conference type: IIR Conference
  • IIR commissions: Refrigerated storage, Refrigerated storage, Refrigerated transport, Refrigerating equipment, Refrigerating equipment, Food science & engineering, Refrigerated transport, Food science & engineering
  • Notes:

    Proc. Lexington Meet., IIR/C. R. Réun. Lexington, IIF


See articles (32)
See conference