IIR document
Properties of Secondary Working Fluids (Secondary Refrigerants or Coolants, Heat Transfer Fluids) for Indirect Systems.
Author(s) : MELINDER Å.
Type of monograph: Book
This greatly expanded 2nd edition of a booklet entitled "Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Secondary Refrigerants" responds to rising use of secondary refrigerant systems used in applications ranging from solar heating at high temperatures to freezers in supermarkets. It comprises comprehensive data on a number of aqueous solutions of ethylene and propylene glycol, ethanol, glycerol, ammonia, chlorides and potassium salts. An entire chapter is devoted to: freezing point, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, boiling point, vapour pressure, surface tension and specific conductance. The book also deals with the selection of a suitable secondary refrigerant, technical calculations and computer treatment of data. Vital issues such as toxicity, the environmental impact and corrosion are covered. Charts make it possible to compare commercial products and to perform comparisons of fluids with respect to energy transport, pressure drop and heat transfer. An entire chapter is devoted to carbon dioxide and another chapter deals with fine crystalline ice slurry. Dozens of tables and charts enable readers to obtain data on 14 working fluids. The CD-ROM completes the book and contains 4 Excel files based on polynomial equations used in Section 2.3 of the Book and coefficients in Section 8.4 (with Tables C1-13). The CD-ROM also contains a Note on how to use these files.
Available documents
Book Properties of secondary working fluids for indirect systems pdf scan version + xls docs
Pages: 159 p.
Public price
50 €
Member price*
37 €
* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).
- Original title: Properties of Secondary Working Fluids (Secondary Refrigerants or Coolants, Heat Transfer Fluids) for Indirect Systems.
- Record ID : 30000738
- Languages: English
- Publication: IIF-IIR - France
- Edition statement: ed. 2
- Publication date: 2010
- Collection:
- ISBN: 9782913149830
- Notes:
English version only
CAUTION: this document is too heavy to be sent by e-mail en version ZIP. Please send an e-mail to info@iifiir.org to get it by WeTransfer with your order number. - Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
Thermodynamics and changes of state;
Mass transfer;
Indirect refrigeration systems - Keywords: Viscosity; Two-phase heat carrier; Thermodynamics; Thermal property; Thermal conductivity; Ice slurry; Freezing temperature; Ethylene glycol; Comparison; Calculation; Liquid; Heat transfer; Toxicity; Aqueous solution; Ammonia; Propylene glycol; Physical property; Mixture; Glycerol; Ethanol; Corrosion; Secondary refrigerant; Water; CO2; Pressure drop
Properties of Secondary Working Fluids (Seconda...
- Author(s) : MELINDER Å.
- Date : 2010
- Languages : English
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- Author(s) : IIF-IIR, MELINDER Å.
- Date : 1997
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- Formats : Hard copy
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Thermophysical properties of liquid secondary r...
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- Author(s) : PINTCHUK O. A., KARAVAN D. V., KARAVAN S. V.
- Date : 2009
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 6
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Updating and extending secondary fluid data for...
- Author(s) : MELINDER Å.
- Date : 2006/05/29
- Languages : English
- Source: 7th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Working Fluids (GL2006). Proceedings
- Formats : PDF
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