Life in the frozen state.

Author(s) : FULLER B. J., LANE N., BENSON E. E.

Type of monograph: Book


This book book describes how living cells and complex organisms survive very low temperatures. Leading world experts combine fundamental theory and practice across a spectrum of species and applications to evaluate how cryobiology can benefit humanity. Extract from the table of contents: fundamental aspects (principles of cryobiology; the water to ice transition; implications for living cells); life and death at low temperatures (life in the polar terrestrial environment with a focus on algae and cyanobacteria; microbial life in permafrost: extended times in extreme conditions; adaptation of higher plant to freezing; oxidative stress in the frozen plant: a free radical point of view; physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of vertebrate freeze tolerance: the wood frog); freezing and banking of living resources (preservation of fungi and yeasts; cryoconserving algal and plant diversity: historical perspectives and future challenges; plant cryopreservation; the early history of gamete cryobiology; cryobiology of gametes and the breeding of domestic animals; cryopreservation as a supporting measure in species conservation; cryopreservation of gametes and embryos of aquatic species; fundamental issues for cell-line banks in biotechnology and regulatory affairs); medical applications (mechanisms of injury caused by in vivo freezing; cryopreservation in transfusion medicine and hematology; cryopreservation of human gametes and embryos; the scientific basis for tissue banking; engineering desiccation tolerance in mammalian cells: tools and techniques; stabilization of cells during freeze-drying: the trehalose myth; vitrification in tissue preservation: new developments); the future of cryobiology.


  • Original title: Life in the frozen state.
  • Record ID : 2007-2383
  • Languages: English
  • Publication: Taylor & francis, crc press - United kingdom/United kingdom/United states/United states
  • Publication date: 2004
  • ISBN: 0415247004
  • Source: Source: 704 p. (18 x 26); fig.; ref.; index; GBP 53.99.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.